rooted in classical yoga and dance, this innovative mind, meditation and movement based technique i’ve developed has aided my own recovery process. alongside yoga and mat based movement, it encompasses deeply therapeutic sound therapy, inspirational lifestyle coaching, nutrition and nature therapy elements, yoga mind and movement medicine will equip you with the tools needed to restore your mind and body to it’s full and vibrant health no matter where you are in your own state of wellbeing or healing journey.
re-finding my internal rhythm and voice via these methods has been almost crucial in re-gaining my own health and vitality. self massage and trigger point therapy techniques are also brought in with the aim of equipping you with your own ability to treat and heal yourself. The occasional added use of props such as blindfolds and my hypnotic headphone yoga concept encourage a deeper journey into your being by cutting out all external distractions.
By delving deep into your practice in this way, the experience is an awakening of the Sensory-System to help you re-find YOU, because no matter how lost, disconnected or off balance you feel, you are in there. we just need to find you again, and root you out!
Your core and the person you began this life as, the person you lost or left by the wayside when you "grew up" and life's responsibilities started taking over your true fundamental needs. Through my True Colours unique classes & retreats, you'll rediscover the feelings of joy and an innocent, childlike humour at being in your body and re-united with yourself.
You'll re discover how you can really move when nothing else like life’s daily stress, responsibility or the people around you plague your mind. these elements can make you behave in ways that aren't you, limiting and restricting your breath, your movement, your voice, your decisions, and ultimately- your dreams. I truly believe that when we continue to allow these restrictions into our life and mindset, it's what causes dis-ease or a dis-harmony, meaning a disruption in the homeostasis of our internal world. in other words, a sense of feeling unwell in our bodies that we experience as aches and pains, nervousness, anxiety, insomnia, depression, arthritis, autoimmunity or thyroid issues as just a few examples.
In my classes we'll rid all of that and instead move, sing, hum, drum, laugh and maybe even cry? - unbound and un restricted - to re-find and re-ignite that natural dormant rhythm & life energy that is lying buried deep inside you
Together, we'll get you BACK TO YOU and turn your volume and vibration back up
My bohemian yoga lifestyle and teaching method is all about freedom of expression and freedom from constraints. It's about letting your body tell you how YOU want and need to move both on and off the mat. I myself don't tend to use a mat these days. I let my body move around & explore the entire space I find myself in with curiosity, hypnotically self researching and investigating what feels good and what does not.
This is what “taking responsibility” for our own health is about. it’s about recognising our own ability to deal with our emotional, psychological and physical response to situations we come across.
This innovative and life altering yoga mind and movement method is not about trying to emulate how your teacher, class peers or anyone else around you is moving, whether that be on or off the mat,.
it’s about finding YOUR way of moving because that is what will set you free and allow you to start living the life you want to be living